Editor’s Note: Something Big Is Coming, It Looks A Lot Like A Blue Wave

As I have been interviewing and talking to candidates all over the Great State of Texas, I have come to understand more about what they are lacking, how they need help, and what I can do from my end to assist them.

You may have noticed that I’ve been kind of quiet this week. The biggest reason for that is my two-year-old’s daycare had to close for ten days due to Covid exposure. This is the third time this year. (Knock on wood, no one in my house has gotten sick yet.) The last two times, I was able to pump out some articles while she was home during nap time or in the evening after bedtime. But this week, I’ve been working on something big, something that should help everyone and help turn our state blue.

It’s a community platform/app for candidates running for office to come together, strategize, get on the same page with messaging, and various other things. That’s for them, but I have something for you, too.

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One single place for the public and media to see press releases from Democrats in office, running for office, and grassroots organizations.

Some days, when there is a big news event, I’ll get press releases emailed to me from ten different groups. I don’t publish all of them, and I’m usually selective about what I choose to post. But it got me thinking.

What if there was one place that all of these people and groups could go to, post their press releases, and the public could see. Not just the ones they signed up for, but all of them.

So, the idea is, you visit this new page I’m building and see the latest updates from every politician, candidate, and group in your area. (From Democrats and Liberals only.)

That way, you’ll never miss news or announcements that you want to know about.

It’s almost finished and should be up, live, and operational by Thanksgiving.


I’m looking forward to this because it will strengthen Democrat messaging in Texas. We need that. As soon as it’s up, y’all will be the first ones to know.

Vote like your life depends on it.

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