Controversial Harris County Republican Chair Unexpectedly Resigns

Harris County Republican Chair, Keith Nielsen’s resignation will be effective immediately.

Earlier this year Harris County Republican Chair, Keith Nielsen made a lot of waves by making racist posts on Facebook. His post was an MLK quote next to a banana. This prompted elected officials like Greg Abbott, Dan Crenshaw, and Ted Cruz to speak out about this and denounce racism in the Republican party. To which, the entire state laughed, because we all knew without racists in the Republican party, there would be no party left. 

Initially, Keith Neilson said he would resign. But after the troops of white ignorance rallied around him and Conservative Blogger and prominent Houston Republican, Don Hooper laid out his defense, Neilson reneged his intentions of resigning and took office on August 3. 

The defense of Keith Nielsen has mostly boiled down to, “How could anyone in their right mind think a banana next to an MLK quote is racist?” And as Don Hooper put it, “These folks use the tools of the left against their own. They are pretty much uniformly “Never Trumpers.” Don’t let Ted fool ya. His calling for Keith to resign is virtue signaling.” 

Since the initial incident, Keith Neilson has filled up his social media page with pictures of him and Black people. You know, the age-old, I’m not racist, I once had a black person at my house defense.

This morning.

Bright and early Monday morning, the Harris County Republican Party Committeeman, Roland Garcia posted on his personal Facebook how Nielsen turned in his resignation letter, effective immediately.

According to their bylaws, they must hold a meeting within 14 days to name a successor.

As terrible as the Harris County Republican Party has been this year, whoever steps up will have their hands full. Between HCRP spokespeople holding press conferences, (with Keith Nielsen) about imaginary voter fraud, which they can’t prove, super spreader events, and the fact that their broke; if Republicans ever hope to gain traction in Harris County, their local party would have to do a complete 180.

Who will the next Harris County Republican Chair be? We’ll keep you updated and we have the popcorn standing by.

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